Allow your users to book an appointment or sign up for a class with 1-click!

One of the advanced features in miniExtensions Portal is the ability for users to link themselves to records in Airtable without using Record Finder or Prefill. This feature allows users to click on the save button of the child form to link the record to a portal user. You can use this in combination with conditional disabling of editing child form to set a limit of how many records can be ‘linked’ to the same record. For example, you can set a maximum number of seats or tickets.

Auto-Linking Records in miniExtensions Portal 1
Auto-Linking Records in miniExtensions Portal 2


This feature makes the most sense when combined with this other function: Show all records in the Client Portal.


Here’s a sample portal that utilizes this feature.

Use Cases

This extension can be useful in a lot of scenarios. You can use it for:

  • Booking appointments
  • Add-to-cart like functionality
  • Shifts schedule management
  • Events registration
  • Organizing an editorial calendar
  • Allow team members to claim tasks

Below you can find the Airtable data source that was used for the demo above.


Last Updated

Supported features

Third Party Integration

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Client Portal for Airtable

Share records with people outside of your organization. Limit them to only see their records and allow them to update some parts of the records.


Most frequent questions and answers

There is no limit on how many bases you can install miniExtensions on. Learn more


Unlimited. To learn more about how our limits work, see this article.


We have instructional videos for how to use each one of our extensions on the product page. They guide you step-by-step of how to set them up.


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