The miniExtensions Form allows for easy reordering of fields using drag and drop functionality. This way, you can organize the fields visible to your users quickly and efficiently.

The miniExtensions Form allows for easy reordering of fields using drag and drop functionality. This way, you can organize the fields visible to your users quickly and efficiently.
Last Updated
Supported features
Third Party Integration
Set a custom title for your form fields
Add attachments via URL or your device to an Airtable attachment field.
Allow users to trigger actions using webhooks with Airtable button fields.
Allow your form users to add new single/multi select options
Add new linked records with all their details while you’re filling the form
Ensure proper email address formatting by converting to lowercase automatically.
Save your progress to finish your submission later
Show and preselect country codes for phone number fields in Airtable.
There is no limit on how many bases you can install miniExtensions on. Learn more
Unlimited. To learn more about how our limits work, see this article.
We have instructional videos for how to use each one of our extensions on the product page. They guide you step-by-step of how to set them up.
Yes! A discount is available for annual plans.
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