Send a single record to whoever needs to see it with a unique URL for that specific record


We released our new form as a replacement for this extension. It is not only for creating/updating records. But also for previewing records.You just need to set all fields as read-only and it will be the same experience.

Take me there

Do you create lots of Airtable views? Do some of your views only contain a few records? Now you can allow your clients to see their data by just sharing a URL that allows them to get quick access to a particular record. This extension gives you unique links for all the records in your Airtable table. You’ll just need to add a new formula field where a sharable URL will be generated for each record.


Here’s an example of a single shared record. If you would like to see the entire table, check out the sample view at the bottom.


  • Generates a unique URL for each record.
  • Supports editing records via a built-in form.
  • Supports playing audio and video attachments
  • Supports rich text formatting (Markdown)
  • Clickable linked records: you can connect multiple tables together and navigate between them.
  • Optional password protection.

Making the record editable is optional, not required. So you can just embed a white-labeled record in your website!

Use Cases

This extension can be useful in a lot of scenarios. You can use it to:

  • Share records with clients
  • Employees

If you click on the sample view below, you’ll see a button field with a public link for every record.


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Supported features

Third Party Integration

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Site visitor

Can I generate a URL to a field? We store some PDFs in Airtable that we are keen to generate a link for the PDF. Specifically the PDF, not the entire record.

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Site visitor

Do users I share the link with need to have Airtable loaded on their device or do I need to make them collaborators on the base(s) with the records Iʻm sharing?

Client Portal for Airtable

Share records with people outside of your organization. Limit them to only see their records and allow them to update some parts of the records.


Most frequent questions and answers

There is no limit on how many bases you can install miniExtensions on. Learn more


Unlimited. To learn more about how our limits work, see this article.


We have instructional videos for how to use each one of our extensions on the product page. They guide you step-by-step of how to set them up.


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