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Turn barcodes into scannable barcode images

Convert barcode numbers to barcode images. Automatically have them uploaded as Airtable attachments. Generate them all at once instead of doing it one by one. This would be ideal for printing.


  • High-resolution images.
  • Many different barcode types are supported. (the full list can be found here)
  • Filter by an Airtable view to process only specific records.
  • A human-readable label underneath the barcode.
Barcode Generator for Airtable 1


Check out the shared Airtable view below to see some examples of the generated barcodes.


Last Updated

Supported features

Third Party Integration

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Site visitor
Site visitor

How can I set these to run only create the barcode automatically if a condition is met? (meaning that the barcode is based on concatenated fields and if not all fields are filled yet, the barcode will be wrong)

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You can limit the extension to only generate barcodes for records in a certain Airtable view. That view can have any conditions you like.

Site visitor
Site visitor

Can I print all the barcodes out and use them in my warehouse?

Reply to  Site visitor

Yes, you can print the barcodes. They will be saved as image attachments in Airtable.

Site visitor
Site visitor

When I scan a barcode in my warehouse, it can open a view where I will quickly add or subtract amount of products that I’m removing / adding to my stock?

Reply to  Site visitor

Yes, you can use our form extension to scan barcodes in this use case.


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