Show fields only when you need them

Similar to how they work in Airtable, miniExtensions Form supports having fields with visibility conditions. You can choose to show certain fields in your form only when certain requirements are met.


  • Helps in making the form look shorter to avoid overwhelming the user, especially on long forms.
  • Show relevant fields only when the time is right.
  • Hide irrelevant fields completely.
  • This feature is part of our powerful miniExtensions Form.

Use Cases

This extension can be useful in a lot of scenarios. You can use it for:

  • Showing job applicants only the questions that are related to them.
  • Build an interactive form to collect data from different group flows.


This form would show the ‘next field’ only when the ‘previous field’ is filled:

If you click on the sample view below, you’ll see the table that’s used for the demo above.


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Supported features

Third Party Integration

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Site visitor
Site visitor

If I wanted to set a conditional field to show up if a record is one of two values (Series = A or B) how would I do that? I’ve tried using “Is Not” but it’s not working.

Site visitor
Site visitor

I’ve got a field on a form that use a formula. It is set to be conditional, but it’s not displaying on the form. The formula field does not show when its condition is met. Can’t we display formula fields on the form? What “work around” could be used to show it?

Client Portal for Airtable

Share records with people outside of your organization. Limit them to only see their records and allow them to update some parts of the records.


Most frequent questions and answers

There is no limit on how many bases you can install miniExtensions on. Learn more


Unlimited. To learn more about how our limits work, see this article.


We have instructional videos for how to use each one of our extensions on the product page. They guide you step-by-step of how to set them up.


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