The miniExtensions Form allows you to create, but also view and update existing Airtable records! This can be set up quickly and easily and gives you two different ways to give your user read or edit access:
- Share direct links to specific records with your users
- Use a login/lookup page for your form
You have full control over which Airtable fields the user can view, and which of them they can edit! For example, you may choose to show certain fields in a read-only manner, while letting your users update other fields, all on the same form!
Any changes your users make will be saved in Airtable immediately.

Have a look at the live demo below to edit an existing Airtable record using our form:
You can see what the underlying data looks like in Airtable by opening the view linked below.
Use Cases
This feature can be useful in a lot of scenarios. You can use it to allow your users to:
- Update a reservation
- Update their personal data
- View a booking confirmation
- View order status