Send a legal document, get it signed and archive it automatically

If you would like to generate legal documents out of Airtable records and send them to clients to sign, this extension handles all of that for you. Just add the extension’s formula in your table and it will generate a special ‘contract URL’ for every record.


  • Create a document template in
  • Add variables in your document to be auto-filled with Airtable data.
  • Fill out the contract’s information in Airtable (e.g. customer name, email, date, amount, etc.)
  • Send the customer their own auto-generated URL to sign.
  • Once they sign it, a signed PDF will be automatically uploaded as an attachment to their record in Airtable.

Use Cases

This extension can be useful in a lot of scenarios. You can use it for:

  • Contracts
  • Agreements

DEMO: go to the sample view below. Click ‘URL to Sign’, then you’ll see the signing page.


Last Updated

Supported features

Third Party Integration

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We have clients with more than one contract. Can the contract signing work with more than one contract type for the same client? For example they may have an Agreement and an NDA (but with different fields and signing dates).


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