The miniExtensions Form automatically validates the format of email fields when a user submits a record. You can also choose to convert to lowercase letters for consistent formatting.

The miniExtensions Form automatically validates the format of email fields when a user submits a record. You can also choose to convert to lowercase letters for consistent formatting.
Last Updated
Supported features
Third Party Integration
Change the header title of your form according to your needs.
Quickly select many records in bulk and link them to the parent record.
Control which Airtable users are available for selection in User fields.
Fill out Airtable fields for your users to streamline the process and gain greater control over the submission.
Enforce unique field values in miniExtensions form
One of the features of the miniExtensions Form is the
Transform your sections to pages for an easier navigation
There is no limit on how many bases you can install miniExtensions on. Learn more
Unlimited. To learn more about how our limits work, see this article.
We have instructional videos for how to use each one of our extensions on the product page. They guide you step-by-step of how to set them up.
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