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Allow customers to view/print invoices or let employees to generate proposals from Airtable

Add your HTML content in a field and this automation will provide you with a formula that generates a public URL for every record in your table.

Pro Tip
You can add values from your Airtable record in the HTML code. We explain how to do this in the video. The way you would replace placeholders with their actual text is by using Airtable’s SUBSTITUTE formula.
e.g. SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE( HTML,'[placeholder1]',placeholder1),'[placeholder2]',placeholder2),'[placeholder3]',placeholder3)


  • Build dynamic webpages from Airtable in bulk.
  • Add HTML code in one field and get links generated in another field.
  • Content’s placeholders can be replaced with a formula.


This is a sample webpage generated by this automation. It will open in a new tab.

Use Cases

This automation can be useful in a lot of scenarios. You can use it to:

  • Allow customers to view/print invoices
  • Generate proposals from Airtable

⚠️ For links to be clickable in your generated page, URLs have to include target="_parent" in their tag.

If you click on the sample view below, you’ll see the table that’s used for the demo above.


Last Updated

Supported features

Third Party Integration

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Site visitor

Does this require me to have a hosting webserver? Is it possible to have a custom domain name?

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Site visitor

How do I display an image from an attachment field in a record?

Site visitor
Site visitor

My substitute formula to replace the placeholders with values returns #Error! msg in airtable.


Custom Gallery View for Airtable

A customizable view that visually organizes data in a card format, allowing for easy sorting, filtering, and editing of records.


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