Supercharge your CRM or build a quiz app. The sky is the limit!

⚠️ Update

Our powerful form now has the Redirect to Airtable Field feature. It should be used as a replacement for this extension.

Take me there!

This extension allows you to send Airtable Form users to different landing pages based on their answers. It redirects them dynamically based on a formula field in Airtable. Since the URL logic would be coming from a formula, there are so many different ways you can use this extension. There’s no limit on how you can set this up.


1. Simple

This extension is so unique that we had to create two demos to show off its capabilities. Both demos achieve the same results but in 2 different ways.

2. Advanced

This is very similar to the previous example, but the difference is that it doesn’t include the first form.

Use Cases

This extension can be useful in a lot of scenarios. You can use it to:

  • Build a conditional form logic
  • Build a quiz app in Airtable
  • Redirect users to a signup form if they’re new
  • Let them skip some questions if they’re existing users

If you click on the sample view below, you’ll see the table that’s used for the demo above.


Last Updated

Supported features

Third Party Integration

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