Automate copying a value from one field to another on Airtable, for any field type!

If you’ve ever needed to copy and paste one field to another in Airtable, this extension can automate this process for you. Instead of copying and pasting the value for each record manually, save plenty of time by fully automating the process.


  • Auto copy any field to another, regardless of its type.
  • Link records automatically without having to do it manually.
  • Filter which records the extension runs on by Airtable View

Use Cases

This extension can be useful in a lot of scenarios. You can use it to:

  • Auto-link records based on a formula
  • Copy a formula to an editable text field


Last Updated

Supported features

Third Party Integration

2 Questions
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Is it possible to copy a single select to a matching lookup linked value? I need to select a choice from single select, and then have a lookup field pull up the same named field but from another table.


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