Add features that you always wished Airtable had

Trusted by top organizations since 2019

miniExtensions for Airtable 11

Client Portal for Airtable

Share records with people outside of your organization. Limit them to only see their records and allow them to update some parts of the records.

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Custom Gallery View for Airtable

A customizable view that visually organizes data in a card format, allowing for easy sorting, filtering, and editing of records.

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Convert Coordinates to Addresses on Airtable

This powerful tool simplifies the process of converting geographical coordinates into human-readable addresses. Imagine having latitude and longitude values at your fingertips and wanting to

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Generate PDF from Airtable Formula

Formula fields are highly dynamic and responsive to changes in the underlying data, making them ideal for scenarios where calculations and data manipulation are required.

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Have a solution for a common problem? Just contact us and we might build it!

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Advanced Form

Login Page for Form & Portal

Let your users look up their own records in your Airtable base without a need for them to create an account anywhere.

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WriterGPT with Airtable Data

Harness the power of ChatGPT’s content rewriting feature to take your writing to new heights. By simplifying complex ideas, enhancing clarity and coherence, improving readability

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Chat with GPT using Airtable Data

Enhance user engagement and interaction with the power of ChatGPT in miniExtensions. Create a captivating and dynamic extension that allows your users to effortlessly engage

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Schedule a call and walk us through your use case. We will make sure to address any unanswered questions.

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Export Comments to Airtable Field

This extension automates the process of capturing and organizing comments, making it easier to track and manage conversations related to your records. By exporting comments

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